Main states kind segregation


In makina states we have organised our states in the following way:

controllers:states related to the base salt infrastructure (layout, deamons, permissions)
nodetypes:states related only to the hardware, the machine type or virtualisation facillity
localsettings:states related to the base machine configuration minus all that can looks like a service or a deamon (eg: directories creations, hosts managment, pam, vim but not ssh)
services:states related to services configuration (eg: ssh, docker, apache, backups scripts & crons)
projects:Set of macros to be externallly included project consumers as the base to setup their projects using makina-states bricks
cloud:set of related stuff linked to mastersalt salt cloud integration

For all those kinds, we have execution modules, sub-execution modules and formulaes containers. to leverage and factorize all variables and have well placed macros.

For exemple, php users will certainly have to deal the following files:

 states files (formulaes)
 custom settings


Tree of different configuration flavors inheritance:

Controllers +--> salt-minion <------------------+
   |        |                                   |
   |        +--> salt-master --controlling------+
   |        |
   |        +--> mastersalt-minion <------------+
   |        |                                   |
   |        +--> mastersalt-master -controlling-+
controllers                                     _________________
controlling             NODETYPES - INHERITANCE                  |
 nodetypes             |       server                            |
   |                   |         |                               |
---+ ------+           |         +->vm                           |
 NODETYPE  |- - - - - -|         |   |                           |
---+-------+           |         |   +--> lxccontainer           |
   |                   |         |   |                           |
   |                   |         |   +--> dockercontainer        |
configuration          |         |                               |
installed on           |         +->devhost                      |
 a nodetype            |             |                           |
   |                   |             +->vagrantvm                |
   |                   |_________________________________________|
  server:base  |
 configuration |                                                ------------------------------
--+--------+---+                                                |      |
  |        |                                                    ------------------------------
  |        |            +---------------+                         |___ generic
  |        |            |               |  solr                   |___ lxc
  |     running on <----+ Service:base  |   |                     |___ saltify
  |                     |               |   |      docker
LOCALSETTINGS           +-+-------------+  tomcat   |
=============             |                 |       |
ldap, nscd, profile     service tree        |      lxc
vim git sudo localrc      |                java     |
pkgs pkgmgr shell         |   bacula        |       |
user (...)                |    |            |     virt
                          |    |   ntp      |       |
    | |    |   |     |       | |  |                   \
    | ldap | salt/mastersalt | |  |    .-- nginx      |
    |  |   |                 | |  |   /__ apache      |
    | nscd |                ssh|  http               php____ phpfpm
    |      |                   |                         |
    |      |                   |                         modphp
    db   mail                  |
    /\     \                   firewalld
   /  \     \____ postfix
pgsql  mysql \
              \__ dovecot