Postgresql configuration

This states file aims to configure and manage postgresql clusters throught their respective unix sockets.

This is common wrappers around postgresql states/modules to arrange with how we manage postgresql clusters (multi versions, layout), that’s why we, again, created our own custom states.

You have:

a macro to define databases with a default group as owner
a macro to define an user, his privileges and groups
a macro to define a group
a macro to install a single pgsql extension
a macro to install pgsql extensions

postgresql.conf configuration

You can override the postgresql.conf by either:
  • attaching to the accumulator (see below)
  • write a file in $CONF_PREFIX/<filename>.conf (except for any default setting in postgresql.conf)
  • editing or overriding the ‘pg_conf.<ver>’ setting in the pgsql settings a (list of dicts), see the mc_states.modules.mc_pgsql module)

PG_HBA configuration

You can override the pg_hba.conf by either:
  • attaching to the accumulator (see below)
  • editing or overriding the ‘pg_hba’ setting in the pgsql settings a (list of dicts), see the mc_states.modules.mc_pgsql module)

Example from pillar  [ {'type': 'local',
                                    'database': 'foo',
                                    'user': foo', address,
                                    'foo', 'method': 'md5'} ] [ {...} ]

Example to use the pg_hba block

    - name: pghba-accumulator
    - require_in:
      - file: append-to-pg-hba-block
    - filename: /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf
    - text: '# Example from salt !'

Configuration via pillar example

You can define via pillar the default user to run psql command as: foo (default: postgres)

You can also define in pillar databases and users respecting naming convention: By default the owner of the database is a group with the same name suffixed with _owner for the user to be added to. We assign then users to this group

Define a database and its owner as follow (see salt.states.postgres_database.present)

  name: foo (opt, default; 'bar')
  encoding: foo (opt, default; utf8)
  template: foo (opt, default; template0)
  tablespace: foo (opt, default; pg_default)

This will create a ‘bar’ database owned by the group bar_owners

Define a user a follow (see salt.states.postgres_user.present)

  password: h4x
  groups: bar_owners (opt, default: [])
  encrypted: True (opt, default: True)
  superuser: True (opt, default: False)
  createdb: True (opt, default: False)
  replication: True (opt, default: False)

This will create a bar user with ‘h4x’ password and in group ‘bar-owners’ (the one of the precedent database)


mydb-makina-postgresql: {}
  password: ckan-password
  superuser: True
    - mydb_owners

Macro usage examples

You can use them in your own states as follow

{% import "makina-states/services/db/postgresql/init.sls" as pgsql with context %}
{% set db_name = dbdata['db_name'] %}
{% set db_tablespace = dbdata['db_tablespace'] %}
{% set db_user = dbdata['db_user'] %}
{% set db_password = dbdata['db_password'] %}
{{ pgsql.postgresql_db(db_name, tablespace=db_tablespace) }}
{{ pgsql.postgresql_user(db_user,
                         groups=['{0}_owners'.format(db_name)]) }}

Remember that states should not contain any secret password or user. So here for example dbdata would be coming from a default macro loading pillar data.

Exposed hooks

The hooks are defined in {ver} is one of the installed postgresql versions (eg: 9.3) {db} is a database name

before postgresql installation
after postgresql installation
before installing a group role in a speicific postgresql version
before installing a group role in a speicific postgresql version
before databases installation
specific database post creation hook
specific database post creation hook before creating another database
adter databases installation
before installing an user role in a speicific postgresql version
after installing an user role in a speicific postgresql version
final hook