Nagvis configuration

See mc_nagvis / nagvis functions for configuration options.

This service configure nagvis with a connection to icinga using mklivestatus because nagvis currently can’t connect to a postgresql database.

Nagvis doesn’t depend on icinga unless mklivestatus socket is done with a unix pipe

Integration with icinga-web is done in icinga_web service.

Please note that we offer two special macros to generate configurations.

One macro is designed to add a map and the other is to add a geomap

add_map macro

{% import "makina-states/services/monitoring/nagvis/init.sls" as nagvis with context %}
{{ nagvis.add_map(name, _global, objects, keys_mapping, **kwargs) }}


name:name of the map (it is the filename too, so each name must be unique)
_global:dictionary in wich contians directives for ‘define global{}’ section
objects:dictionary wich defines all objects.
keys_mapping:dictionary to etablish the associations between keys of dictionaries and directives

The objects dictionary contains a subdictionary for each type of objects. In each subdictionary, subsubdictionaries contains directives for each ‘define <type> {}’

The keys of subsubdictionaries are the values of directives defined in the keys_mapping dictionary. Because sometimes it is not possible to find a directive with unique value, if a value is set to “None”, in the key_mapping dictionary, the subdictionary become a list

The objects dictionary looks like:

'objects' = {
    'host': {
        'h1': {
            'x': 4,
            'y': 3,

    'service': {
        'SSH': {
            'host_name': "h1",
            'x': 4,
            'y': 3,

With the key_mapping dictionary:

keys_mapping = {
    'host': "host_name",
    'hostgroup': "hostgroup_name",
    'service': "service_description",
    'servicegroup': "servicegroup_name",
    'map': "map_name",
    'textbox': None,
    'shape': None,
    'line': None,
    'template': None,
    'container': None,

So, “h1” is the value for “host_name” directive and “SSH” is the value for “service_description” directive

You can add directives as key:value in each subdictionary

The macro produces a cfg file in /etc/nagvis/maps/name.cfg. This file contains

With the example above, the file located in /etc/nagvis/maps/name.cfg will contain:

define global {
define host {
define service {

add_geomap macro

{% import "makina-states/services/monitoring/nagvis/init.sls" as nagvis with context %}
{{ nagvis.add_geomap(name, hosts, **kwargs) }}


name:name of the geomap (it is the filename too, so each name must be unique)
hosts:dictionary in which each subdictionary defines a host

The hosts dictionary looks like:

'hosts': {
    'ham-srv1': {
        'alias': "Hamburg Server 1",
        'lat': 53.556866,
        'lon': 9.994622,
    'mun-srv1': {
        'alias': "Munich Server 1",
        'lat': 48.1448353,
        'lon': 11.5580067,

The macro produces a csv file like

muc-srv1;Munich Server 1;48.1448353;11.5580067
ham-srv1;Hamburg Server 1;53.556866;9.994622

This macro produces only the /etc/nagvis/geomap/name.csv file and not the /etc/nagvis/maps/name.cfg file. In order to produce the /etc/nagvis/maps/name.cfg file, you should call the “add_map” macro.