mc_cloud_compute_node runner

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.configure_firewall(target, ret=None, output=True)

shorewall configuration

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.configure_host(target, ret=None, output=True)

shorewall configuration

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.configure_hostsfile(target, ret=None, output=True)

local dns configuration

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.configure_network(target, ret=None, output=True)

install network configuration

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.configure_prevt(target, ret=None, output=True)

install all prevt steps

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.configure_reverse_proxy(target, ret=None, output=True)

haproxy configuration

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.configure_sshkeys(target, ret=None, output=True)

drop the compute node ssh key

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.configure_sslcerts(target, ret=None, output=True)

deploy SSL certificates on compute node

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.deploy(target, output=True, ret=None, hooks=True, pre=True, post=True)

Prepare cloud controller configuration can also apply per virtualization type configuration

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.filter_compute_nodes(nodes, skip, only)

filter compute nodes to run on

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.install_vts(target, ret=None, output=True)

install all virtual types to be ready to host vms

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.orchestrate(skip=None, skip_vms=None, only=None, only_vms=None, no_compute_nodes=False, no_provision=False, no_post_provision=False, no_vms_post_provision=False, no_vms=False, output=True, refresh=True, ret=None)

Orchestrate the whole cloud deployment. In this order:

  • provision compute nodes minus the skipped one and limiting to the ‘only’ if any
  • provision vms minus the skipped one and limiting to the ‘only_compute_vm’ if any. If the vms are to be hosted on a failed host, they will be skipped
  • post provision compute nodes
  • post provision vms
list or comma separated string of compute node to skip (will skip contained vms too)
list or comma separated string of compute node If set, it will only provision those compute nodes and contained vms
do not run the compute nodes provision
do not run the compute nodes post provision
skip configuration of compute nodes
list or comma separated string of vms to skip
list or comma separated string of vms. If set, it will only provision those vms
do not run the vm provision
do not run the vms post provision
mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.post_deploy(target, ret=None, output=True)

Prepare cloud controller configuration can also apply per virtualization type configuration

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.post_provision_compute_nodes(skip=None, only=None, output=True, refresh=False, ret=None)

post provision all compute nodes

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.provision_compute_nodes(skip=None, only=None, no_compute_nodes=False, output=True, refresh=True, ret=None)

provision compute nodes

list or comma separated string of compute node to skip (will skip contained vms too)
list or comma separated string of compute node If set, it will only provision those compute nodes and contained vms
mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.reconfigure_front(target, ret=None, output=True)

Small hook to reconfigure the reverse proxy part of a compute node, meaned to be used via the CLI, ret=None, refresh=False, output=True)

Parse all reachable compute nodes and vms and regenerate the local configuration registries concerning cloud deployment

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.run_vt_hook(hook_name, target, ret=None, vts=None, output=True, *args, **kwargs)

Difference with cloud controller bare one is that here we have the target argument mandatory

mc_states.runners.mc_cloud_compute_node.upgrade_vts(target, ret=None, output=True)

upgrade all virtual types to be ready to host vms