Installation of a cluster based on mastersalt


Most of mastersalt part is configured via a file: /srv/mastersalt/database.sls. This is a simple YAML (+jinja) file to describe your infra in a very consive format.

This file is then read by the mc_pillar execution module which is called from the mc_pillar ext_pillar module and assemble pieces of information through PILLAR entries

IOW, The ext pillar will setup the pillar for mastersalt to help to manage a whole infractructure:

This covers those parts:

  • CA/SSL certificates generation (on master side)

  • CA/SSL certificates delivery (on minions)

  • Supervision (icinga)

  • Authorising SSH access to boxes and configure SSH servers

  • Manage auto upgrades via unattended

  • Managing PAM & NSSconfiguration

  • backups (client & master) (based burp)

  • DNS (bind)

  • LDAP (openldap)

  • Baremetal and VM network configuration (this include setuping ip faiover aliases on baremetal servers)

  • Firewall configuration (ms_iptables (simple iptables frontend configured via json))

  • repositories managment (APT)

  • locales managment

  • Cloud Controller orchestration

    • Manage dns entries
    • Reverse proxies (haproxy & firewalld (http(s)/ssh/snmp)
    • Spawning VMS (kvm, lxc) and managing their lifecycle
  • Kernel sysctl managment

  • Configure base machine configurations (editors, base packages & so on)

  • etc.

The yaml files doesnt exist at first, you have to create it. You can get a sample from and adapt it to your needs. An empty file is generated for you on first install.

Install a mastersalt master

Ensure that your local box FQDN is correctly configured by issuing:

hostname -f

You should have something like that in your /etc/hosts: mastersaltmaster localhost

Then, you can proceed by bootstrapping mastersalt

mkdir -p /srv/mastersalt
apt-get install -y curl git
git clone /srv/mastersalt/makina-states
/srv/mastersalt/makina-states/_scripts/ --mastersalt-master --mastersalt $(hostname -f)

After installation you can begin to edit /srv/mastersalt-pillar/database.sls and bring up the rest of your new saltstack based infra, piece after piece !:

vim /srv/mastersalt-pillar/database.sls

WARNING The mastersalt binaries are prefixed with ‘master’ like: ‘mastersalt’, ‘mastersalt-call’, ‘mastersalt-run’, ‘mastersalt-key’.